The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ's work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.
In the Independent Catholic Christian Church, as in most Independent Catholic/Old Catholic/Independent Sacramental jurisdictions, clergy are not paid, and the ordination process is open to all who feel called and are able to fulfill the requirements. Because of this, those who remain lay people are doing so as a conscious choice because they feel called to the ministry of a lay Christian.
We are happy to engage in discernment with lay Christians who do not feel called to ordination but who nonetheless seek more intentional ways of living out their call. Please fill out the contact form below.
For additional information about the ICCC, please read our Canons.