DAILY LITURGICAL PRAYER Central to any Christian’s life ought to be the daily discipline of prayer and reading and meditating on scripture. Throughout history, the Church has developed various forms of a daily liturgy sanctifying time by regular offices of psalms, scripture readings, and prayer, known as the Divine Office or Daily Office or Liturgy of the Hours. Below are links to various forms of the office which are found on-line. Different forms may meet different Christians’ needs, so experiment to find the version that best supports your relationship with God. (Please note that because these sites are provided by other Christian communities, they may contain content with which the Independent Catholic Christian Church is not in full agreement.)
Contemporary Anglican Daily Office: This form, taken from the Episcopal Church’s 1979 Book of Common Prayer, takes one through the Psalms in either one month or seven weeks and features three readings each day. This site provides options for different versions of scripture, including the psalms: http://www.missionstclare.com/english/index.html
Another version, the St. Bede's Breviary, gives a number of options including some with various enrichments, such as Marian antiphons: http://www.stbedeproductions.com/breviary/
Traditional Anglican Daily Office: This form, taken from the Episcopal Church’s 1928 Book of Common Prayer, offers four lessons daily and the option of reading the psalms through monthly or at a more leisurely pace: http://www.commonprayer.org/offices.cfm
Contemporary Roman Liturgy of the Hours: This form offers five to seven offices per day, most brief, from which one can choose those which best fit one’s schedule, although Morning and Evening Prayer are traditionally considered the most important. The scripture reading is concentrated in the Office of Readings – in the contemporary Roman rite, there are also daily scripture readings assigned to the Mass, which may also be found on this site: http://www.universalis.com/
Traditional Roman Divine Office: This form goes through the psalms every week. The scripture covered is less complete, and one might wish to supplement it with other readings, perhaps from one of the rites above: http://divinumofficium.com/
Byzantine Office: The full Byzantine rite office is designed for monastic use. A wonderful site that offers a selection of daily Byzantine prayer as well as links to a variety of Eastern (of various rites) and Western liturgical sites may be found here: http://www.catholic-forum.com/members/popestleo/dailyprayer.html